Data Support

Data Management

Establishing and maintaining data organization and data formats in compliance with industry standards (BIDS). Includes annual validation of the data specification and organization.

Data Sharing

NDA: Data sharing includes conversion, upload, and validation to NDA for NIH grant requirements. Other locations can be accommodated for additional development/implementation cost. Costs should be adjusted by the frequency of the data upload requirement, with the general assumption this is done once per year.

Open Science Foundation: TBD

Data Storage

INC managed storage space on LSS system; all storage is backed-up via snapshots daily. Costs will fluctuate with actual costs from ITS. Calculated as 1TB per 100 sessions per year for each project, must be rounded up in whole TB increments. Rate may be adjusted for larger acquisitions.

Longterm Support

INC Data management beyond the end of the study period, typically 5 years. Cost typically spread evenly across each study year or added to final study period. Data management for at least the final year of the project is required for all new projects.

Longterm Storage

INC managed storage beyond the end of the study period, typically 5 years. Cost typically spread evenly across each study year or added to final study period. INC data management is typically required for the final year in a study as well as ongoing for support.

Statistical Modeling

ROI Modeling

Modelling of 3D or 4D data per ROI.

Voxelwise Modeling

Voxelwise modelling of 3D or 4D datasets.

Vertexwise Modeling

Vertexwise modeling of 3D datasets (4D surface data is not explicitly implemented currently, but it can be done)